In Need of Change

"To dream anything that you want to dream. That is the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed."
Bernard Edmonds

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Recommended Books

Reverse and Eliminate Heart disease
To read a detailed book about the relationship between diet and heart disease this is a great book that will open your eyes as well as give you many great reciepes to help you enjoy your new way of eatting.

A great book written by Mike Anderson, who is a medical researcher, author and filmmaker. Its purpose is to advance the cause of natural healing and serve as a gateway of information. Mike is part of a network of doctors, scientists and writers working together to advance the teaching of natural healh. He has some great videos on the subject - especially the DVD titled "Eating".

To read a detailed book about the relationship between diet and disease I recommend highly the book The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., professor of nutritional science at Cornell University. Dr. Campbell has been one of the great spokespersons for a plant-based diet and is best known for his landmark scientific study, the China- Oxford-Cornell Study. Campbell has linked heart disease and cancer to diet and his work is well respected and accepted throughout the world.
That study is the most comprehensive investigation of diet and disease in world history. Campbell was once a meat-eater, but the scientific evidence gathered from his work was convincing enough for him to adopt a plant-based diet. On May 8, 1990, Jane Brody of the New York Times wrote: "Campbell's China study is the grand prix of all epidemiological studies." It is interesting to note that Jane Brody is no advocate of a vegetarian lifestyle, yet, she accepts and praises Campbell's science.
The major finding from Campbell's study was that people who eat a typically American animal-based, protein-rich diet have seventeen times the death rate from heart disease as do people who satisfy their protein needs from fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. Data from his study indicated that women who derived their protein from meat and dairy products were five times as likely to die of breast cancer than those who ate a plant-based diet. See 2 meg video of Dr. Campbell.

For a concise recent 2005 review of why to go vegan and a lot of good recipes get the book "No More Bull" by Howard Lyman who was a 4th generation cattle rancher/feedlot operator in Montana. See
This book is a much easier read than The China Study.














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